What is artificial intelligence?

what is artificial intelligence
Published: 20. 5. 2020
Do you know what artificial intelligence is? Not only this question was answered by the founder of Blue Dynamics Karel Pecl.

How can we use artificial intelligence?

Did you know that retailers can also track customer emotions through it? What do the results of these measurements look like and what are they used for? What is artificial intelligence? Karel Pecl answered not only these questions of tyden.cz readers on Monday, January 27th at 1:00 p.m.

Karel Pecl is the founder and owner of the company Blue Dynamic, a technology company that, among other things, deals with the application of artificial intelligence in business, especially in retail. He graduated from the Czech Technical University in Prague and has been involved in IT solutions for 25 years. He believes that in a world that is increasingly complex and saturated with information, and in which people are increasingly looking for ways to spend less time at work, artificial intelligence will play a key role in the future. So let's take a look at what artificial intelligence is.

Marta from Ostrava: Have a good day. Don't you think there's too much artificial intelligence in this world sometimes?

Karel Pecl (KP): Hello, I think that each of us can look at the world from a slightly "different angle". Perhaps the frequency of this topic in the media contributes to your feeling. In any case, I believe that there will be more and more AI among us, we will just talk about it less and accept it as a normal part of our lives. Like cars today.

Radek: Hello. Artificial intelligence will be when computers decide for us what to do and how to do it. I don't consider having a vacuum clean my house to be AI. I hope the decision will always remain with humans. What do you think?

KP: Hello, it's probably a matter of everyone's point of view and taste. It's a question of how much control we have over, say, cornering or braking in a car equipped with loads of assistants. In our industry, artificial intelligence calculates, for example, how many goods are to be ordered for stock and in what proportion they are to be distributed to the individual stores. It does it itself, it does it well, and it doesn't take sick days. So I would say that in some cases the final decision will probably be up to the human and in some cases not. But there definitely needs to be an opportunity for the person to step in and change the decision.

SK: The biggest benefits of artificial intelligence?

KP: Hello, I would say the main advantage is its ability to stand in for a human. It does this, for example, by taking over repetitive, tedious tasks. Or it helps a person with complex decisions by analysing large amounts of information and quickly offering possible solutions.

DENMARK: The biggest danger of artificial intelligence?

KP: Hello, I guess we could say that AI is not in such a state today that it poses a danger to humanity per se. On the other hand, it is a tool like any other and can therefore be misused to do evil. In the future, however, we may be in danger of becoming lazy and stupid by overusing it 🙂 You may recall the movie WALL-E and human laziness brought to perfection.

ANTI: What about artificial intelligence and Czech laws?

KP: Hello, as it is usually the case when there is a massive development of a field, the laws are always somewhat behind and this is also true in the Czech Republic. Our legislators will therefore have to struggle in the future to give reasonable boundaries and rules to AI and its application.

GF: What about artificial intelligence and politics?

KP: Hello, I don't really know how the question is meant here. I could only say that any intelligence, even artificial ones, can be useful in politics 🙂 .

Dalibor: Hello, I would like to know what is the definition of artificial intelligence and in which fields should artificial intelligence be used or not used? Thank you for your answer.

KP: Hello, there are multiple definitions of what AI is. For example, Marvin Minsky said in 1967 that - "Artificial intelligence is the science of creating machines or systems that will use a procedure in solving a task that, if done by a human being, would be considered a manifestation of his intelligence." The fields in which AI is applied are, for example: aerospace, automotive, healthcare, general science and perhaps security. In the field we are dealing with, AI can alert, for example, to wanted persons or suspicious behaviour, or it can help a business operator get to know its customers better, enabling it to provide a better service for them.

Radek Mikula: While mobile phone manufacturers are touting their products to feature cameras with artificial intelligence (AI), skeptical experts say that true AI will never be created. What meanings does the term actually have today? Dare you guess how AI, whatever that means, will change industry, transportation, and the course of everyday life forty years from now?

KP: Hello, thank you for your wonderful questions. Artificial intelligence is certainly a very vague term and it can hide a lot of things. Whether it's opening the window blinds in my room when the sun shines or detecting the license plate number that lets me in and out of a parking lot. So it's safe to say that in many cases, there will be improvements or simplifications to various features, services and products and these improvements will be evolutionary and the average user will not be able to recognize that there is something like AI behind it all. At the same time, and companies and businesses will feel very strongly about changes in their processes and operations and will perceive increased efficiency, lower costs and less dependence on employees. So, for example, the operator of an e-shop or a bricks-and-mortar store will know very well that running an ad or offering recommended goods is an AI activity. You, as a customer, won't know it, but you will probably appreciate the accuracy and appropriateness of the offer.

Standa: Do you think autonomous vehicles are the future?

KP: Hello, I have a young son and when I look at him I wonder if he will still do the driving license. But I'm sure the rollout would go faster if there were only autonomous vehicles on the road and no unpredictable flesh-and-blood drivers 🙂 !

PH: Hello.How to use artificial intelligence properly? Thank you.

KP: Hello, I would say that AI is best applied with sense and feeling 🙂

XXX: Has AI had any success yet? Have you had any major successes?

KP: Hello, if we look at what AI has achieved in general, for example: it has won in Risk, beaten professional players in Dota2 and beaten humans in Chess and GO. We've managed to develop intelligent advertising as well as deep analysis of customer behavior in the store.

XY: Do you use artificial intelligence at home?:)))) or can it be used at home for anything at all?

KP: Hello, actually at home I mainly strive to apply my natural intelligence. However, maybe on Friday afternoons, I'm not so good at it anymore and some AI would be useful... 🙂

A recording of the entire online chat with Karel Pecl can be found at here.

Did you know that retailers can also track customer emotions through it? What do the results of these measurements look like and what are they used for? Karel Pecl answered not only these questions of tyden.cz readers on Monday, 27 January at 13:00.

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