Retail Talk - talk not only about retail, part 1.

Published: 20. 5. 2020
Does a woman or Google know you better? Karel Pecl and Tomáš Sýkora talked about technology in retail, ERP in Excel, AI, data security, robot emotions and more.

Does your wife know you better, or Google? Karel Pecl and Tomáš Sýkora talked about modern technologies in retail, ERP in Excel, artificial intelligence, data security in the cloud, the beauty of Volvo, firefighting in IT, feeding fish from a drone, emotions of robots and other things that may not even be related to retail.

And since the gentlemen had a nice chat, we cut it down to two pilot episodes. Here is the first part of the interview and maybe you will enjoy it 🙂 #chytryretail

Youtube video

MP3 Podcast

Retail talk 1

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