Datart - Continuous development of ERP according to changing customer needs.

Ensuring the development of ERP according to the company's current needs and ensuring the operation of systems without interruptions.

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Ensuring the development of ERP according to the company's current needs and ensuring the operation of systems without interruptions.


Tactical tasks

Requirements gathering and analysis, solution development, data migration, testing and installation, performance tuning, project management. Continuous development of Dynamics AX including support.



Operation and development of key applications according to business process needs and requirements.


Few suppliers offer the combination of industry knowledge, experience and quality 24/7 support. With Blue Dynamic's help, we have seen a real reduction in ICT costs while improving our ICT processes.

Nicola Campio



A retailer focused on consumer electronics. Of course, we offer a wide selection of products and always provide quality service and premium service.

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