Store Commerce: flexible and efficient sales and warehouse management

Store Commerce
Published: 3. 11. 2023
Store Commerce , an application within MS D365 Commerce, facilitates the management of cashiering, warehouse operations, payments and customer service.

Enhance Microsoft Dynamics 365 Commerce with the Store Commerce app, which will fundamentally improve your retail operation and improve the customer experience (not only) at the checkout. You'll gain visibility of stock in the warehouse, you'll be relieved at a much simpler inventories and your customers will also be able to choose from a wide range of payment methods. That's what we call a win win.

Store Commerce provides user-friendly, flexible and efficient sales and warehouse management. Thanks to integrated payment methods, product scanning, inventory management, customer account creation and data analysis tools will give you the opportunity to shine in a competitive retail environment.

Store Commerce App: benefits for your business

  • More effective sales: Store Commerce will allow fast and smooth processing of sales, increase employee productivity and speed up client transactions. Features such as barcode scanning, easy addition of items to the shopping cart and various payment options ensure that everything goes smoothly at the checkout.
  • Inventory control and warehouse management: Keep track of your inventory and say goodbye to annoying and complicated inventories forever. The app allows you to monitor product availability and efficiently optimize stock levels - even inventory counts are a breeze.
  • Managing customer accounts: Manage customer accounts, track purchase history, offer discounts and provide personalized customer service. Even building customer loyalty will be a lot easier with the app.
  • Payment gateway integrationA: Seamless integration of various payment methods, including credit cards, mobile payments and digital wallets will give you plus points with customers. When you will be able to choose how they want to payit will at least make them happy - and they'll probably come back next time.
  • Unified customer experienceA: Implementing loyalty programmes across different sales channels will ensure that your customers receive the same quality of service and support both in-store and online. The shopping experience will always be second to none.
  • Data analysis and reporting: Store Commerce Includes tools to track sales trends in real time, generate complex reports and gain valuable insights for strategic decisions and planning.

Store Commerce in a nutshell

Store Commerce is a specialized application within platforms Dynamics 365 Commercewhich focuses on the needs of retailers and the wishes of their customers. It facilitates managing cash operations, warehouse, payments and customer service. This comprehensive solution offers payment method integration, product scanning, inventory management, customer account creation and data analysis tools. It is designed to meet the unique requirements of all businesses - from small enterprises to large chains.

Store Commerce will ensure that you shine even in the highly competitive retail environment. Customers at the checkout will know that you have your sales processes perfectly under control. And that's what counts. Find out more from our specialists - contact us and ask everything you want to know about this unique app.

Need to know more? Contact us!

Štěpáín Kněžek Blue Dynamic

Štěpán Kněžek

Sales Manager
+420 607 032 908


eGor KoValev

Account Manager
+420 720 953 784

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