Application integration: the path to greater efficiency for your business

Application integration
Published: 9. 5. 2023
Application integration is crucial for companies to respond efficiently and flexibly to rapidly changing market conditions. Without it, applications may not communicate with each other and cause errors. Company departments can also have trouble collaborating and waste time by repeatedly processing the same tasks.


Application integrationThere are basically two approaches to dealing with the digitalisation of companies:

  • all-in-one approach
  • and the now more popular best-of-breed concept.

Best-of-breed means that the application consists of a series of specialized modules, each focused on a specific functionality or area, such as customer relationship management (CRM), marketing automation, project management or human resource (HR) management. These specialized modules are designed to offer the best performance, features and user experience in their respective fields.

On the other hand, an all-in-one approach incorporates all the features and tools needed for a specific area into one application. These applications strive to offer users a complete solution with simple management and integration. These applications often try to compete in the market by offering more features and a wider range of services.

However, nowadays, more and more companies and users are opting for a best-of-breed strategy that provides better coverage of each specific business need. Application integration and process automation then plays a key role in maintaining processes and sharing data across systems.

Application integration plays a key role in modern business. By connecting different applications, systems or devices, they can work together and share information and data.

Application integration

Application integrations are a key factor in the success of modern businesses. With the growing number of of data and applications that need to be connected and synchronized, integration is becoming integration is becoming a critical part of enterprise IT.

Benefits of proper application integration

Digital transformation is an increasingly common theme for businesses today, using many different technologies and applications such as CRM, ERP, e-commerce platforms, marketing tools and many others. These applications often work independently and have different formats and process different data.

Application integration allows companies to connect these applications and data, streamline business processes, coordinate work more easily and better, and eliminate duplication of effort. Let's take an example: by linking an e-commerce platform with a CRM system, salespeople can better understand their customers and provide them with better service. They have more data about the customer, their purchase history and can so they can, for example, personalise their service offer.

Integrating systems allows companies to improve their processes and gain better control over their data and information. To give an example: integrating an ERP system with a warehouse management application allows you to track the movement of goods and stock in real time.

Nowadays, system integration is a key task for most companies. We are no longer in a situation where using one or two software. Across the company, and indeed in every department, we have several of them - and it is necessary that they "understand" each other. This approach allows companies to gain a better overview of their activities and maximize efficiency and productivity of their business.

Benefits of integration with Azure Cloud

Integration platforms and solutions like Azure Cloud provide a number of benefits for businesses looking to a way to integrate their applications and systems and gain control over their data and processes. You ask what system integration can bring you? Let's recap the benefits of integrating with Azure Cloud:

  1. VerticalsIntegration platforms make it easy to integrate different applications and systems using prebuilt connectors, templates, and APIs. This means companies don't have to spend time and effort developing their own solutions. As a result, this reduces the cost and time required for implementation.
  2. Flexibility: Integration platforms allow you to leverage the best tools for each function while ensuring that all applications work together to support an efficient business.
  3. Automation: You can easily increase work efficiency and reduce errors and manual labor costs.
  4. ScalabilityA: Integration platforms allow you to easily scale your integration solutions to meet the current needs of your business - as your business grows and the amount of data and processes that need to be integrated increases.
  5. Security systems: This keeps your business data safe and secure from cyber threats attacks.

Integration platforms and solutions like Azure Cloud, you can gain visibility and control over your data and processes to improve the efficiency and productivity of your business.


Today, application integration is a key factor for a successful business. Companies that can integrate their applications and systems efficiently and flexibly have an advantage in the marketplace and are able to respond quickly to changes in the environment. Application integrations allow companies to automate processes. If you are have not yet addressed system integration in your company, now may be the time to do something about it. to take action. Leveraging integration solutions and platforms like Azure Cloud can help your business improve efficiency, gain a competitive advantage, and move ahead in the marketplace.

Need to know more? Contact us!

Štěpán Kněžek

Sales Manager
+420 607 032 908


Egor Kovalev

Account Manager
+420 720 953 784

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