3 steps of proper ERP implementation

erp implementation
Published: 16. 1. 2024
Implementing an ERP system is a challenging process. Don't make the same mistakes as others. What 3 steps are often forgotten? Read on.

We have a tip for you - don't throw money out the window. What happens if you decide to make a big investment in your company and the outcome is not what you wanted? Disappointment, disillusionment, blame. Choosing and Implementation ERP system is a big step that costs a lot of money. When it doesn't work out, you look for the culprit first on the vendor's side, then blame the software, and finally wonder if you could have done something differently.

Let's take a look at how to get the implementation right from the start. We have summarized 3 steps that are often missed by companies and yet are essential for success ERP system implementation project quite crucial.

1)     Do your research thoroughly so you know what the starting line looks like

ERP system will help you optimise company processes, cheapen operation, save labor. That's a no-brainer. On the other hand, nothing works by magic. Many companies make a mistake when implementing an ERP system that ultimately costs them money - they assume that the new system will accomplish everything already mentioned without first examining their current processes.

In doing so, there may be obstacles that subsequently affect the success of the new ERP system. There may be processes in the company that are completely unnecessary, may not meet business requirements, or require optimization.

  • Part of analysis of existing processes should be identification and prioritization - in short, tell yourself what you expect from ERP and what is important.
  • During process mapping you should identify gapsthat an ERP system can fill, such as reporting and analysis, automation and data integration.
  • For existing processes, think about how effective they are. Do you have measurable results? Is the data up-to-date and can it be trusted?
  • What metrics would you like to track in your company, but you currently have no place and no way to get the data? Make sure you put together the requirements for measuring process performance.

If you have your processes mapped in this way, the supplier of the selected solution will be provided with immediate insight into business processes and be able to model more effectively.

2)     What do you expect from ERP implementation?

You have evaluated the existing company processes. We can check that off. You know where you have gaps and what you need to improve. The next step is to define the scope and the objectives of the ERP implementation project.


  • what specific tasks and processes will be ERP system cover
  • which business functions and processes the ERP system will automate
  • what data needs to be integrated and what specific business objectives the system needs to support
  • what performance indicators (KPIs) you want to track and report on

In addition to having a clear implementation plan in front of you, you'll get a list of specific goals and tasks. Once the project is complete, you will be able to measure its success.

3)     Prepare company data

When you're going to migrate data, it's not enough to take what you have and move it to a new environment. Your existing data needs to be cleaned and formatted to be compatible with the new system. Perform a complete data audit of all existing systems and applications. Sort out the data that needs to be migrated.

When migrating data, it's a bit like a traditional migration. You can take your entire wardrobe and stick it in a closet in your new apartment. You may save yourself some work, but the new place will be full of clothes and things that no longer fit your tastes and current lifestyle. They'll take up space and prevent you from being able to get, say, something new or live in a more airy, minimalist environment. It's just not effective.

Take a look at your old company data. Identify the ones you want to "move", clean them up, make sure they are up to date. It is up to your IT department to define the data transfer method and test the data migration process. Perhaps we do not need to remind you that it is necessary to be extremely careful with such a step - develop a data backup and recovery plan in case of errors or lossThere you go - ERP implementation is a challenging process, but with good preparation and a strategic partner by your side, you can do it all. V Blue Dynamic We are specialists in IT technology and can help you choose a solution tailored to your business needs. We love a challenge and can empathize with our clients' situations. We will guide you through the selection and implementation of an ERP system from A to Z.

Free e-book: 4 key steps for successful implementation of new software

When implementing new software, you need to be sure that your business requirements and goals are met. If you want to keep up with the competition, the right tools and software are quite elementary to improve processes, optimize workflows and increase productivity. But finding the ideal platform for your business needs is no cakewalk. That's why we've put together a handy guide with 4 key steps you should pay attention to so your efforts don't go to waste.

E-book - 4 key steps for successful implementation of new software
e book BD 2 Blue Dynamic

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