Hybrid infrastructure

Do you run your own on-premise servers, but the hardware is no longer sufficient for the growing demands? Then you might be interested in a hybrid scenario where the missing capacity is supplemented by a cloud solution.

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Hybrid infrastructure

hybrid infrastructure
Published: 9. 7. 2021
There is no doubt that cloud hybrid infrastructure will dominate in the future. What are its advantages and disadvantages? And how can Blue Dynamic help you?

Hybrid infrastructure - O there is no doubt that cloud infrastructure will dominate in the future. However, advanced cloud adoption is often preceded by the step of deploying a hybrid infrastructure. Why do we think the hybrid scenario is a step in the right direction? What are the advantages and disadvantages of hybrid infrastructure? And how can Blue Dynamic help you? Read on to find out.

Many companies operating their own servers implement them by purchasing the necessary hardware, virtualization platforms and other infrastructure, and then placing them in their own or leased datacenters. Increasing resource requirements are then either drawn from invested, sufficiently sized capacities or additional resources must be purchased. One option to supplement the missing hardware capacity is to use a hybrid cloud, where resources are simply leased from a service provider as a private or public cloud.

Hybrid infrastructure is usually the first step towards advanced cloud usage and the gradual reduction of on-premise resources.

Why hybrid infrastructure

The advantages of leased servers are unlimited scalability and the transfer of the responsibility to take care of the hardware, virtualization software and all the technology. Of course, we also provide additional services from the lessor's portfolio, such as 24/7 support including SLA at the required level, security at all levels or high availability of datacenters and sites.

"With the appropriate configuration of resource scaling, auto-scaling, and even shutting down unneeded servers, the customer is able to significantly optimize the final price for cloud services using the Pay As You Go model."

Another advantage is that the service, i.e. the cloud, and the purchase of physical machines are different costs, i.e. opex vs. capex (opex costs or operating costs = Operational Expenditures; capex costs or investment costs = Capital Expenditures). With the appropriate configuration of resource scaling, auto-scaling, and even shutting down unneeded servers, the customer is able to significantly optimize the final price for cloud services using the Pay As You Go model. As well as hardware, it is also possible to license Windows operating systems using a monthly payment and not deal with costly licensing agreements.

Thanks to the hybrid scenario, backup or replication to the cloud, the customer also gets the opportunity to provide a backup infrastructure to their on-premise solution, thus insuring against failure.

Private or public cloud

The definition specifies that the private cloud and its hardware is operated exclusively for the organization with a high degree of physical isolation, but allows for a comfortable management environment without the need to own the hardware. This can be an advantage if, for example, for legal reasons, the customer must be able to identify or define the hardware where their environment resides. The disadvantage may be less scalability or the need to maintain dedicated hardware.

In contrast, the public cloud shares hardware with other customers and isolation is handled at the software level. The advantage is unlimited scalability and easier management of the environment.

The future of on-premise infrastructure

Cloud infrastructure will undoubtedly dominate in the future. Existing customer-owned infrastructure will be replaced by services such as Infrastructure, Platform or Software as a service.

Choosing the right supplier and consultant

We at Blue Dynamic also offer consulting and implementation of hybrid scenarios of infrastructure use in combination with the cloud. We can design and then deploy a suitable and affordable solution, to which we also provide support and monitoring of both internal and cloud infrastructure. If you are thinking about deploying a hybrid infrastructure in your company, do not hesitate to arrange a no-obligation consultation via contact form Below.

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